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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

I'm loving Hawaii!!!

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I'm loving being in a place where the weather doesn't change.

Today - this is what I did (and, by today, I mean May 16) .....

There was nothing planned from Stampin' Up! for the 'Plus 1.' So, I took advantage of this and spent as MUCH time here in the infinity pool.

A few days before this, we went out to Diamond Head (shown in this photo). According to Wiki;

"Diamond Head is the name of a volcanic tuff cone on the Hawaiian island of Oʻahu and known to Hawaiians as ʻahi, most likely from lae 'browridge, promontory' plus ʻahi 'tuna' because the shape of the ridgeline resembles the shape of a tuna's dorsal fin. Its English name was given by British sailors in the 19th century, who mistook calcite crystals on the adjacent beach for diamonds."

I looked that up because I thought that the mountain was supposed to look like a diamond, but I didnt think that it did.

I could easily transport myself back to this place now. Its FREEEEEEEZING today here in Melbourne.
Id love to take credit for these pictures, but I have to thank Google for these.

Everytime we went down there, the view was interrupted by the hundreds of people (including me).

And, finally, using the selfie stick, i took this picture from our balcony. And, yes, Im kidding.

That night, there was a Stampin' Up! dinner at the Battleship Missouri. This ship is docked within the naval station Peatl Harbor (yes, I spelled it that way on purpose).  Aside from the 2001 film, it's been interesting to learn more about what happened here.

So, funny thing happened while we were waiting in line to get on the bus to get out  to Pearl Harbour. As many of you know, I do not celebrate birthdays, including my own, which incidentally was that day. So, I heard a group of people a few people behind us in line starting to sing a particular song that is sung every 365 days. I thought to myself 'Who told them?' Apparently, the colour departed my face. I hadnt even remembered that I was born that day 38 years ago until lunch time. Turns out - it wasn't for me. But, it made lol! 

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