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Saturday, July 4, 2009

Part 2 from the Bertucci Dinner

Sorry its been so long for the updates. I wanted to give you part 2 to the hair story.

My mum said to my sister who had dyed her hair (see last blog post) "You should use conditioner in your hair - look at mine!"

"Mum, I have had a treatment - what do you think a treatment is? Its a CONDITIONER!" came the response.

My mum replied (and, as you read her reply, keep in mind what you learned about my mum in the last blog post) "No, not that kind of conditioner." Oh, dear! What on earth could she mean? She continued "I use Huggy in my hair - feel how soft it is!" Yes, its true. My mother uses fabric softner in her hair. Last night though, we told Kylie's hairdresser about it. And, she said that she had heard of people using it. This shocked us! Until she concluded the sentance by saying ".....ON WIGS!" So, there you have it!

Another exciting event on the night out was dessert. It was Nutella Pizza (see photos)

How does one make Nutella Pizza? You make Pizza Dough, Spread it with Nutella and then wrap over and then cook, cut and serve. And, yes, it was GREAT! Probably a little to sweet for me though! As you can see, the kids loved it!

The last thing I would like to tell you about was something that my dad showed me when we got back to his place after dinner (we travelled in the same car to the restaurant). See the pictures below.

Every year, my dad makes sausages. He buys the meat pre-cut (I wouldnt call it minced, the pieces are bigger than mince) but he mixes the herbs and spices and fills them. It used to be a big family affair on the weekends, but now that he doesnt work, he does it at his leisure.

The meat is pork and is one of the only occasions that I eat pork. And, the photo on the right shows a rare ocurrence - my dad smiling!

Until next time.....


  1. hey bruno...i have a question. Why the bottles of water hanging with the sausages?

  2. I'll have a stab & say it's to weigh those huge sausages down! am i close...?

  3. LOL your family sound as funny as mine!! My nana used to put all sorts of things into various containers, and mum usually has some new health-food-ish fad. Wouldn't have it any other way though ;)


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